Blogging is hard, yo.

Ok, so I’ve been here several times, but I finally figured out how this stuff works, and more importantly, have my tablet configured right. I can now blog with impunity! /cackle and stuff.

The Bronze Bruiser Challenge

So the expansion is over, everyone is 85, and there’s nothing to do. Out of this horrific boredom is born an idea. I decided to try the Ironman Challenge. Then I read the rules, and realized that I still had a few ounces of self respect and that I’m not masochistic enough to do something like that. So instead I have developed my own challenge. Working in the spirit of the ironman, but not forsaking everything that made me want to play WoW in the first place: Character progression, getting gear, working out specs, and yes, even fishing.

So, I present to you the Bronze Bruiser Challenge, so named in honor of Cornelius Gearcrusher, the Bronze Bruiser (currently the 5th).

1: No equipment, items, or coin from other players. You may use only items and equipment you have found, made, or were rewarded from a quest. No shopping on the AH or buying from anyone other than NPC vendors. You have to buy the items from the vendor yourself.

2: No enhancements from other players, such as enchants or scrolls. Enchants obtained from NPCs, crafted by you are allowed.

3:  No outside assistance. No groups or raids or guilds. You cannot ask for assistance from other players, nor can you accept assistance if offered. You can, however, receive drive-by buffs, NPC buffs, etc. You can ask another player to unlock boxes if necessary.

4: You can have 1 gathering and 1 crafting primary profession at a time. You cannot train Enchanting. You may use all secondary professions. Gathering profs are Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. Crafting profs are everything else. You cannot train Archaeology. The spirit of the challenge is to get to cap through normal adventuring. I won’t prohibit doing prof dailies, but they should not be anywhere near the main source of XP, nor should farming. It is possible to level entirely by farming and Archy, I know, I’ve done it, but that is not the goal here.

5: No Tank or Healing spec. DPS specs only. This is the Bronze Bruiser challenge, not the bronze healer challenge.

6: No dying. Death is permanent. However, deaths caused by glitches, such as getting stuck in pipes underwater, or falling through holes in the terrain (not the same as falling off a cliff, I mean falling into the great blue void type of thing) do not count.

Clarifications: The challenge character cannot buy or sell on the Auction House. They can send items to an alt to sell on the AH, but they cannot receive payment for those items. You may receive transmog gear from your main, or other alts, but you cannot equip that gear or use it for anything other than transmog. You cannot vendor that gear, as that would be an indirect transfer of coin.

The goal of the challenge is to make it to 85 with no deaths with no significant outside assistance.

Good luck.

Testing my new home

This is a test because frankly, I’m too impatient and too annoyed by unnecessary excess to use Blogger’s interface.

The Gnome that Layed a Golden Egg

I only have few moments so I’ll come back and finish this later, but: Your economy is not broken. There are realms with less gold on them, and there are realms with more gold on them. Generally the amount of total gold on a realm is directly relative to the amount of active players on the realm. That’s not to say that on average everyone has the same amount of gold, because anyone who knows several people on their realm knows that’s not the case. Realistically though, realm population doesn’t have a major effect on the average would-be goblin. It definitely helps those at the top of the pyramid, as having a larger base means more to collect from, but when you consider that wealth is all relative, it doesn’t genuinely matter.

Moving In

So I’ve decided that I don’t particularly care to be a part of the community I was previously involved in. The reasons aren’t really important, and there are a few folks over there that I genuinely enjoyed conversing with, but just like anything else, when you have half the place on ignore, it’s time to leave, and so I left. But where does that leave me?

Well, it leaves me here. I’d all but forgotten about this blog, and I find I have a surplus of time that I had previously spent elsewhere that I can now use to do the blog thing. It’ll probably take me a few tries to get the whole thing worked out. I don’t even know what my purpose is, except to yap, but I guess that will work itself out. I got the hard part though. I finally remembered my login and password.

Enchant Yer Crap!

I haven’t written a blog before, and honestly have no idea what I’m doing at the moment. However, with a little bit more familiarity, I will soon be able to share my views with the rest of the known world, or at least the few who find their way here.

The general theme will probably revolve around tanking, though I’ll likely throw in bits about battlegrounds and forum idiots and fun stuff like that every now and again. That’s what you do in blogs, isn’t it?

Enough rambling. Time to see what this thing looks like.